 | FHSD 2020 Bus Inspections Posted on 06/25/2020 The Missouri State Highway Patrol is responsible for conducting annual safety inspections of all school buses across the state. Representatives of the MSHP Motor Vehicle Inspection Section were in Francis Howell on June 17 and 18 to inspect the 191 buses in the FHSD transportation fleet. After a thorough inspection of all systems from bumper to bumper, 189 buses met all required standards for an initial passage rate of 99%. Two buses had minor issues that were repaired quickly, and every FHSD bus passed the final inspection.
Read more about FHSD 2020 Bus Inspections |
 | Proposition S Passes Posted on 06/03/2020 I am excited to share that on June 2, our District voters approved Proposition S with 79.28 percent voting YES. I want to thank all of our staff members who helped share information about the importance of Prop S with our community and the volunteer members of our campaign committee for their dedication and enthusiasm during the entire process. I want to especially thank all of our voters who understood the current state of our facilities and the positive long-term impact Prop S funding would have on our students, our staff, and our schools. We are extremely grateful for this demonstration of community support, and we are anxious to move forward with the projects outlined in our Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. With this green light from our stakeholders, design and construction work will begin this summer.
Read more about Proposition S Passes |
 | Which Proposition S project(s) are you looking forward to the most? Posted on 05/20/2020 Proposition S is the FHSD no tax rate increase bond issue on the June 2 ballot. Passage of Prop S would fund more than 100 construction and renovation projects at all schools across the District. These projects would create jobs and put millions of dollars into the local economy. Which Prop S project(s) are you looking forward to the most?
Read more about Which Proposition S project(s) are you looking forward to the most? |
 | Voting in FHSD June 2 – COVID Considerations Posted on 04/27/2020 In March, Governor Parson signed an Executive Order requiring all Missouri municipal elections scheduled for April 7 to be postponed until June 2, 2020. This order includes Proposition S, the Francis Howell no tax rate increase bond issue, and the FHSD Board of Education candidate election. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the St. Charles County Election Authority is anticipating increased participation in absentee voting ahead of the June 2 election.
Read more about Voting in FHSD June 2 – COVID Considerations |
 | FHSD Closure Survey Posted on 04/21/2020 As a result of Governor Parson’s directive, Francis Howell and all Missouri school districts are closed for the remainder of the school year. During the closure, FHSD is providing Alternative Methods of Instruction, and distributing Chromebooks and meals to students in need. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and provide your feedback on the District’s efforts.
Read more about FHSD Closure Survey |
 | FHSD Closure Extended Through the Remainder of the Year Posted on 04/09/2020 As a result of Governor Parson’s directive, Francis Howell and all Missouri school districts will be closed for the remainder of the school year. Our health officials and superintendents agree this is necessary to protect the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community, and to minimize the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This closure includes all FHSD schools, preschool, and Vacation Station. All athletic events and activities are canceled for the remainder of the school year, and facilities, fields, and playgrounds will not be available until further notice. We are not anticipating holding our traditional summer school and summer camps. Further communication will be provided about summer programming adjustments.
Read more about FHSD Closure Extended Through the Remainder of the Year |
 | FHSD Alternative Methods of Instruction Posted on 03/30/2020 The FHSD Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) web page is located on the District website. From this page, parents and students are able to access instructional resources to use during the current school closure. After delivering 3/4 of the school year in a traditional setting, content experts and teachers have been hard at work preparing instructional materials that are relevant and meaningful for students to continue their learning.
Read more about FHSD Alternative Methods of Instruction |
 | Saeger Administrative Assistant Chrissy Pagnotti Selected as District Support Staff Employee of the Year Posted on 03/12/2020 |
 | Local School Districts to Host Trade Careers Expo Posted on 03/11/2020 Francis Howell School District, in partnership with school districts from Lincoln, Warren, and St. Charles Counties, will host the Tri-County Trades Expo on April 9, 2020, from 5:30 until 7:30 PM at Saeger Middle School. The Expo is an informational event that encourages sixth- through twelfth-grade students and their parents to learn more about opportunities and careers in the trades.
Read more about Local School Districts to Host Trade Careers Expo |
 | School District Bond Issues Posted on 03/09/2020 When school districts in Missouri and around the country need to make large capital expenditures like building new facilities or making major repairs, they have to borrow money. Bonds are the way that school districts, fire districts, ambulance districts, etc. borrow that money. When voters approve a bond issue, the district obtains bids and sells bonds to the purchaser who offers the lowest interest rate (and current rates are very low). The funds are then used to complete capital projects, and the debt is paid back over time.
Read more about School District Bond Issues |
 | Harvest Ridge Teacher Dione Anderson Selected as District Teacher of the Year Posted on 03/05/2020 The Francis Howell School District is proud to announce that Dione Anderson, a reading teacher at Harvest Ridge Elementary School, has been selected as the 2020 FHSD Teacher of the Year. She is a product of the District and says her desire to become a teacher dates back to her days in Mrs. Miller’s second grade class at Becky-David Elementary. “I felt loved and accepted in her class, and my love of reading flourished,” says Anderson. “I remember thinking that I wanted to be in school for the rest of my life. Many inspiring teachers followed her, strengthening my resolve to teach.”
Read more about Harvest Ridge Teacher Dione Anderson Selected as District Teacher of the Year |
 | FHSD Students Excel in Regional Braille Challenge Posted on 03/02/2020 |
 | FHSD Celebrates “We Love to Code Month” Posted on 02/04/2020 In the spirit of February and Valentine’s Day, students across the District will have the chance to find a new love for computer science during “We Love to Code” month. Schools across the District have planned opportunities for students that explore the world of coding, programming, and more.
Read more about FHSD Celebrates “We Love to Code Month” |
 | New Missouri School Volunteer Background Checks Posted on 02/04/2020 A new Missouri law requires all school volunteers to have criminal background checks that now include fingerprints before volunteering and interacting with students. The fingerprint records are submitted to the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a search of criminal history files.
Read more about New Missouri School Volunteer Background Checks |
 | Partnership Opportunities with the Francis Howell School District Posted on 01/07/2020 FHSD is always looking for community and business partnerships that provide learning opportunities for our students – and our staff! One of the goals of the District’s strategic plan is to “Extend student learning opportunities through partnerships between school, home, and the community.” As the District works to educate the workforce of the 21st Century, the assistance of our local partners is critical to this mutually beneficial effort. The investment in time and resources for our community partners can be as little as one hour of the school day or as much as a year-long internship.
Read more about Partnership Opportunities with the Francis Howell School District |
 | Francis Howell Board Votes to Place Bond Issue on April Ballot Posted on 12/20/2019 The Francis Howell School District Board of Education has voted unanimously to place Proposition S on the April 7, 2020, ballot. Proposition S is a $244 million bond issue that will not increase the current tax rate. Voter approval of Proposition S would allow the District to borrow money now and in the future to address pressing facility needs at all Francis Howell schools.
Read more about Francis Howell Board Votes to Place Bond Issue on April Ballot |
 | Student Spotlight – Saeger Middle’s Stevie Lupo Represents Students at the December Board Meeting Posted on 12/20/2019 |
 | Thoughtexchange 2.0: Facilities and Bond Issue Communications Posted on 11/18/2019 Thanks so much to the 850+ Francis Howell stakeholders who provided feedback on the first Thoughtexchange about FHSD facilities and a bond issue; the results are now available on the District website. Now, we invite you to provide input on a follow-up question on bond issue communications through the Thoughtexchange survey.
Read more about Thoughtexchange 2.0: Facilities and Bond Issue Communications |
 | FHSD Celebrates Veterans Day Posted on 11/05/2019 In honor of Veterans Day on Monday, Nov. 11, FHSD schools are participating in a variety of assemblies, activities, and celebrations to recognize veterans and all of our loved ones who have served our country. Here is a list of events happening throughout the District:
Read more about FHSD Celebrates Veterans Day |
 | FHSD Celebrates National Physical Therapy Week Posted on 10/28/2019 School-based physical therapy involves dynamic collaboration with students, staff, and parents to ensure that every student can successfully navigate the school environment and effectively learn, socialize, and play. At FHSD, this includes assessing all areas where a student might interact during the school day to ensure that the student can be as independent as possible in their functional mobility. “In the school system, physical therapists use creative and functional interventions to help students access their educational environment,” said District PT Anne Miller. “For example, being able to use the playground, getting on and off the bus, participating in PE and navigating their school.”
Read more about FHSD Celebrates National Physical Therapy Week |
 | FHSD Bus Evacuation Drills Ensure Student Safety Posted on 10/28/2019 Francis Howell School District’s Transportation Department conducted annual school bus evacuation drills on October 22 - 24. The drills are an important component of bus safety and help ensure that every student knows what to do in the event of an emergency that requires immediate evacuation from the vehicle.
Read more about FHSD Bus Evacuation Drills Ensure Student Safety |
 | FHSD Celebrates Red Ribbon Week Posted on 10/25/2019 It’s Red Ribbon Week in FHSD! Students across the District are participating in lessons centered on drug prevention and awareness. Here is a list of activities that FHSD schools have planned for this year:
Read more about FHSD Celebrates Red Ribbon Week |
 | Thoughtexchange: Facilities and Future Bond Issue Posted on 10/21/2019 FHSD is requesting your input on District facilities and a no tax rate increase bond issue to address the items identified in the Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP). The District is using a new tool called Thoughtexchange to gather feedback from our community. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued.
Read more about Thoughtexchange: Facilities and Future Bond Issue |
 | DESE Releases 2019 Annual Performance Report Scores Posted on 10/17/2019 The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the 2019 Annual Performance Report (APR) data for school districts around the state. Last year FHSD received a score of 100 percent on the “school district report card,” but this year DESE has moved away from a single score for school districts. All APR data will continue to be published for all content and standards, but will now feature bar charts that show if a school district is at Floor, Approaching Target, On Track, or On Target.
Read more about DESE Releases 2019 Annual Performance Report Scores |
 | FHSD Facilities/Bond Issue Posted on 10/01/2019 During 2018, FHSD worked proactively with the architectural firm Hoener Associates, Inc. to develop a Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP). This plan identified both the current state of the District’s facilities as well as its future needs. The FHSD Board of Education is considering placing a no tax rate increase bond issue on the ballot in April to pay for the construction, repair, and renovation costs outlined in the CFMP.
Read more about FHSD Facilities/Bond Issue |
 | Three FHSD Schools Honored as 2019 National Blue Ribbon Schools Posted on 09/30/2019 The U.S. Department of Education has recognized Becky-David Elementary, Daniel Boone Elementary, and Warren Elementary as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2019. The three Francis Howell elementary schools received the prestigious award based on their exemplary high academic performance. Only five other elementary schools in Missouri received the award this year.
Read more about Three FHSD Schools Honored as 2019 National Blue Ribbon Schools |
 | FHSD Superintendent Announces Retirement Posted on 09/20/2019 |
 | FHSD Bus Driver Hannah Scharfenberg - A Champion of Bus Safety Posted on 08/07/2019 While the FHSD transportation Department is new this year, what’s not new is the dedication and skill of many of the bus drivers. For Hannah Scharfenberg, driving a bus is more than just a job. It’s a mission to keep students safe during the commute to school. Each year, she participates in safety bus competitions to continue her growth as a driver. In June she won the 2019 State School Bus Safety Competition hosted by the Missouri Association for Pupil Transportation. As state champion, she earned the right to compete in the Annual School Bus Driver International Safety Competition hosted by the National School Transportation Association (NSTA) where she placed fifth in the nation.
Read more about FHSD Bus Driver Hannah Scharfenberg - A Champion of Bus Safety |
 | FHSD Bus Transportation Update Posted on 08/01/2019 The FHSD Transportation Department wants to take this opportunity to remind our parents about some of the changes with our new Francis Howell buses. New routing software will assign pick up/drop off locations for students that comply with the state guidelines. This includes ensuring that bus stops are at least 500 ft. apart, the minimum recommended distance to activate warning lights. This year we are creating more neighborhood bus stops instead of specific house stops. This also means FHSD buses may not be traveling up and down every street in every neighborhood, especially for secondary students. In order to make our routes as efficient as possible, we are encouraging parents to inform their school office if they do not need school bus transportation.
Read more about FHSD Bus Transportation Update |