Posted on 07/20/2020

Greetings, Francis Howell families:
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019-2020 school year ended abruptly and not the way we wanted. When our schools open this fall, they will look a little different.
Every week, we learn more about COVID from our health officials. We know this virus is real. It’s in our communities, and it may impact our schools.
We also know the value of in-person learning, and understand that being out of school for extended periods of time can have a detrimental impact on students’ social and emotional well-being.
Over the past 90 days, task forces have been grappling with big questions: How do we bring kids safely back to school? How do we make sure our staff are cared for? How do we prepare for short- and long-term closures that may be required as the COVID situation continues to evolve?
As part of the planning process, we gathered feedback from families about their preferred way to return to school in the fall. There was overwhelming support for a return to in-person instruction.
That said, we realize not all families will be comfortable sending their student(s) back to the classroom just yet.
With this understanding, our task forces developed a Return to School Plan that respects and honors the individual needs of each family.
As parents and guardians, you have the ability to choose the right learning method for your child(ren):
Option 1: In-Person Classroom Learning with added precautions and safety protocols designed to limit exposure and transmission of COVID-19 (this may be full-time or hybrid), or
Option 2: 100% Virtual Learning, delivered by FHSD teachers with the same grading and accountability standards expected in the classroom.
The document that follows provides more detail on each of the learning options.
We are asking you to select a learning option for each of your children by July 26 via this online form. This date is important as it allows teachers and administrators to appropriately plan for classes, bus routes, technology needs, and all the other behind-the-scenes work required to provide a quality educational experience.
I want to acknowledge the work of the task forces, educators, and health experts who have spent long hours discussing the tough questions and planning for what-ifs. I am also grateful to our families and community for your patience and understanding as we work together through this unprecedented planning-and-preparation challenge.
Stay well,

Dr. Nathan Hoven Superintendent